Higher Education & Career Pathways
Welcome to UNIV PREP LIFE: Your Ultimate Guide to University Life Preparation

At UNIV PREP LIFE, we understand that the transition from high school to university can be both exciting and overwhelming. That's why we're here to provide you and your parents with all the necessary information and resources to make this transition as smooth as possible. Whether you're looking for details on enrollment procedures, available scholarships, university open houses, or workshops for career and university preparation, we've got you covered.

Enrollment in University

Navigating the enrollment process can be daunting, but fret not! Comprehensive guide will walk you through each step of the enrollment process, from application deadlines to required documents. We'll ensure that you're well-equipped to submit your applications with confidence.

Scholarships Available

We believe that every student deserves access to quality education, regardless of financial constraints. Discover a range of scholarship opportunities available to help fund your university journey. Our counselors can assist you in identifying scholarships that align with your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal circumstances.

University Open House

Get a firsthand glimpse into university life by attending open house events hosted by various institutions. Explore campus facilities, interact with faculty members, and learn about academic programs and extracurricular activities. Stay updated on upcoming open house dates and plan your visits accordingly.

Workshops  and other Programs for Career and University Preparation

Preparing for university goes beyond academic readiness. Attend some workshops designed to equip you with essential skills for success in both academia and your future career. From resume writing to interview techniques, the workshops cover a wide range of topics to ensure you're well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

Additional Resources

Have questions or need personalized guidance? Our team of dedicated counselors is here to support you every step of the way. Consult our counselors below:

BSD Campus:

Ms. Melisa Salim

Email: melisasalim@saintjohn.sch.id

Mr. Aloysius Arianto

Email: aloysius.arianto@saintjohn.sch.id

Gading Serpong Campus:

Sr. Sabina Nimat, FDCC

Email: sabina.nimat@saintjohn.sch.id

Meruya Campus:

Ms. Susan Maria

Email: susan.maria@saintjohn.sch.id

Don't hesitate to reach out to our counselors for guidance, support, and expert advice tailored to your individual needs.

Embark on your university journey with confidence, armed with the knowledge and resources provided by UNIV PREP LIFE. Your future awaits – let's make it extraordinary together!


Atma Jaya

Hallo Sahabat Atma! 👋🏻📣

This is Last Call ☎🔥

Panggilan untuk kalian yang berprestasi dan masih mencari tempat kuliah terbaik untuk mewujudkan cita-cita

Bergabunglah di Unika Atma Jaya, Kampus terbaik Se-Indonesia untuk Lulusan Mudah Dapat Kerja

Masih dibuka pendaftaran Jalur Tes & Jalur Rapor T.A 2024/2025 Periode Agustus

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan: 

✅ Potongan s.d SPP 25%!

✅ Mendapatkan Gelar Sarjana dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 3,5 tahun! 

Bagi kalian yang memiliki nilai rapor tertinggi & hasil test terbaik 

Jika ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut terkait Program Sarjana Unika Atma Jaya, silahkan dapat menghubungi kontak dibawah ini: 

📞 wa.me/6281298988960 

Yuk, Daftar Sekarang melalui : 

🔗 Join.atmajaya.ac.id 

Fore more information, follow us on: 

IG : @join.atmajaya




Jerman telah lama menjadi tujuan favorit bagi pelajar Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi karena reputasinya yang terkenal dengan pendidikan berkualitas. Meskipun biaya pendidikan di Jerman terjangkau, biaya hidup di sana cukup tinggi, sehingga banyak pelajar bekerja paruh waktu untuk mencukupi kebutuhan. Bekerja di restoran dan kafe adalah pilihan umum, tetapi ada juga yang mencari pekerjaan sambilan yang relevan dengan jurusan mereka untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja yang berguna bagi karier mereka setelah lulus.

Dalam webinar ini, Roselina Nadia dan Albert Simohartono akan berbagi kisah mereka sebagai mahasiswa yang bekerja paruh waktu sesuai dengan jurusan kuliah mereka (Werkstudent). Nadia, alumni Saint John’s School BSD, sedang menempuh studi S1 dan S2 di Technische Universität Berlin dalam bidang Teknik Industri. Sementara itu, Albert, alumni SMA Kolese de Britto Yogyakarta, sedang menempuh studi S1 dan S2 di TU Berlin dalam bidang Computer Engineering. Mereka akan berbagi pengalaman mencari pekerjaan, serta manfaat dan tantangan dalam kuliah sambil bekerja.


Apakah kamu ingin mempersiapkan kuliah di Jerman dan sedang mencari jalan sukses untuk menuju studi di Jerman? Dalam rangka inisiatif Sekolah: Mitra menuju Masa Depan (PASCH) dari Goethe-Institut Indonesien menawarkan beasiswa untuk Studienkolleg Indonesia yang diperuntukan untuk seluruh siswa-siswi 29 sekolah mitra PASCH di Indonesia. 

Studienkolleg Indonesia adalah salah satu Studienkolleg di luar Jerman, bertujuan mempersiapkan siswa-siswi yang akan melanjutkan studinya ke Jerman dengan program pra-studi. Siswa-siswi Indonesia dapat mengikuti ujian Feststellungsprüfung yang diselenggarakan oleh Studienkolleg Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Studienkolleg Bundesland (negara bagian) Niedersachsen secara langsung di Jakarta. Lulusannya berhak mendapatkan sertifikat yang dibutuhkan untuk melanjutkan studi di semua universitas dan sekolah tinggi di Jerman.

Saat ini, Studienkolleg menyelenggarakan program T- Kurs, M-Kurs dan W- Kurs. T-Kurs mempersiapkan siswa-siswi yang ingin melanjutkan studi di bidang teknik, misalnya teknik elektro, teknik mesin, dll., M-Kurs mempersiapkan siswa-siswi untuk melanjutkan studinya di bidang kedokteran, biologi, dll. W-Kurs mempersiapkan siswa-siswi yang akan melanjutkan studi di bidang ekonomi, misalnya di jurusan manajemen, ekonomi, dll.

Program di Studienkolleg berlangsung selama dua semester. Program ini memberikan persiapan baik di bidang kebahasaan maupun disiplin ilmu lain sesuai dengan jurusan yang diinginkan. Dengan demikian nantinya para lulusan dapat mengikuti pelajaran dan materi yang diberikan olah perguruan tinggi di Jerman serta mampu aktif berinteraksi dalam kuliah. Selain bahasa Jerman diberikan juga pelajaran sekolah yang lain yaitu Matematika, Fisika, Biologi, serta mata pelajaran lainnya sesuai dengan program kursus yang ditempuh.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan KLIK DI SINI


Several compelling reasons to take the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) and HSKK (Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi) exams:

  1. Validation of Skills: The HSK and HSKK exams are widely recognized international standards for assessing Mandarin language proficiency. Passing these exams validates your abilities in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Mandarin.
  2. Career and Study Opportunities: Passing the HSK and HSKK exams can open doors to better career prospects in international companies with ties to China, as well as facilitate enrollment in Chinese universities.
  3. Enhancement of Language Competence: Preparation for and participation in the HSK and HSKK exams can significantly improve your Mandarin language skills. This learning process enriches your vocabulary, grammar, and communication abilities.
  4. Personal Growth: Facing the challenges of the HSK and HSKK exams is an excellent way to measure your progress in learning Mandarin and motivate yourself to continue learning and growing.
  5. International Recognition: Passing the HSK and HSKK exams provides international recognition of your Mandarin language proficiency, boosting confidence and adding value to your resume or CV.

In summary, taking the HSK and HSKK exams is a valuable step for anyone looking to enhance their Mandarin language skills, unlock career and study opportunities, and gain international recognition in the field of Chinese language.

Registration Link : 


Contact person : 

WA Admin TAA : +62 877-3658-6907 

Email: hsk@saintjohn.sch.id

Swiss German University (SGU)
1x1 12 mar 24b
Special for Saint John Final Year Students!

Are you aiming for a globally recognized degree from prestigious universities in Germany, Switzerland, or the USA? Swiss German University (SGU) can be your bridge to achieving that dream.

Partnering with top universities abroad, SGU offers you a world-class education that equips you for success in your chosen field.

As a Final Year student of Saint John School, you are entitled to an exclusive privilege: SGU scholarships up to 50% for semesters 1 through 8. It's time to receive quality education as recognition of your achievements!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your future. Visit our website: https://sgu.ac.id/ or contact us at 0811-8010-600 to explore partner universities and scholarship details. Apply now to SGU and launch your journey to new heights!

BA Flyer.jpeg

Studi Program Business Accounting Swiss German University hadir dengan konsep baru dan memberikan berbagai benefit menarik!

Dengan biaya terjangkau 16 juta per semester kamu sudah mendapatkan banyak keuntungan antara lain waktu kuliah hanya 3.5 tahun, kurikulum MBKM, sertifikasi Brevet dan praktisi pengajar yang berpengalaman.

Ayo wujudkan mimpimu menjadi Future Accountant. Langkah pertamanya yaitu daftar di Business Accounting SGU sekarang!

Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic

🌿✨ Kompetisi Desain Eco-Bag untuk Siswa SMA/SMK Sederajat!

Kompetisi ini bisa jadi kesempatan buat kalian berkreasi sambil berkontribusi untuk kelestarian alam!

Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP) bekerja sama dengan Lawson, mengajak kalian untuk merancang desain Eco-Bag yang tidak hanya menarik, tetapi juga ramah lingkungan!

Dengan tema Cheers to Nature, desain yang kalian buat bisa mengekspresikan cinta pada alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Desainnya boleh berupa elemen grafis, maupun kata-kata kreasimu loh! Yuk, tunjukkan ide-ide terbaikmu dalam mendesain Eco-Bag yang menginspirasi!

🎨 Hadiah yang bisa kalian dapatkan:

* Beasiswa senilai 200 juta rupiah

* Hadiah tunai 10 juta rupiah

* Selain itu, desain pemenang berkesempatan untuk dipakai untuk Tas Belanja Lawson loh!

🏆 Jadi, jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini dan langsung daftar pada link di bawah ini!


Informasi lebih lanjut bisa hubungi: 

Kalika - 085819898658

Najwa - 089630461900

#cheerstonature #mnpfest2024 #mnpfest #lesswastelawson

@mnp.fest2024 @multimedianusantarapolytechnic @lawsonconnect

Bikin Animasi 2D dan Karakter 3D bersama, yuk!

Workshop Holiday Art Project 2 kembali dibuka nih untuk mengisi waktu liburan sekolah 🎨🖌🤩 Kita akan sama-sama belajar desain 2D dan 3D selama 5 hari, offline di Kampus Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP). Terbuka untuk siswa SMA/SMK/Umum dan dapatkan e-certificate workshop, makan siang, dan hadiah menarik untuk karya peserta terbaik!

Catat waktunya, ya!

Tanggal : 5 Hari (1-5 Juli 2024) 🖥🖌🖱

Lokasi : Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP)

Waktu    : [2D] 09.00-12.00 WIB

[3D] 13.00-16.00 WIB 

Early Bird Price

Rp 1.000.000/kelas/orang

(tersedia harga spesial paket grup)

Langsung daftar disini 🔽


Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi:

Andrea: +62 878-6468-7845 

Ritsumeikan APU Japan
Ritsumeikan APU Japan Poster

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) is Japan's leading international university, where students can earn a degree program taught in English. Located in Beppu City, home to over 2,500 hot springs, APU has welcomed international students from 166 countries and regions worldwide since its opening in 2000.

APU offers a unique and enriching educational experience for students seeking a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding. Its commitment to diversity, quality education, and international engagement sets it apart as a leading institution in Japan.

Dual Education Language:

About 98% of all APU courses are in English and Japanese. Students have the option of pursuing their areas of study in either language. To ensure students attain such language ability, the university provides comprehensive language programs as well as a diverse range of off-campus study options.

Multicultural campus:

About 50% of the student body comprises international students. Students from 106 countries and regions (as of May 1, 2023) gather to study this uniquely international  environment in Japan. Moreover, one in two faculty members is of foreign nationality, and the official languages of the campus are English and Japanese.

Our Programs:

Study in Three Distinctive Colleges: International Management, Asia Pacific Studies, and Sustainable and Tourism.

Learn from Each Other on the World Stage:

Lectures that Emphasize Discussion and Practice. Under the guidance of the finest professors with specialized knowledge, Students can cultivate presentation skills, critical thinking, and negotiation skills that can compete on an international level alongside friends who are active on the world stage. APU encourages students to conduct research in field studies both in Japan and abroad through frequent discussions with faculty and classmates, so that they may acquire problem-solving skills that can be used in the real world.

Scholarships at APU:

Before getting into the university, APU offers Tuition Reduction Scholarships in percentages of 30%, 50%, 65%, 80%, and 100%, and, also offers a temporary Dormitory Fee Reduction Scholarship. After getting into APU, students can find information and apply for additional scholarships, including scholarships offered by the University, refectural and municipal organizations, and private foundations.

Student Life:

Over 100 Extracurricular Organizations. Many of these organizations have both domestic and international students as members, allowing students with diverse backgrounds to interact closely not only in their classes but also through extracurricular activities. In terms of accommodation, first-year international students can live in AP House, APU’s on-campus housing, where approximately 1500 students from all over the world live together and can understand different cultures every day.

Path after Graduation:

Over 95% Job Placement Success Rate. Internationally competent APU graduates strive to change the world in their respective fields, including domestic and foreign companies and NPO/NGO organizations.

Are you interested in joining the September 2024 intake at Ritsumeikan APU? We are now accepting applications. Kindly refer to the details below and don’t forget to mark your calendars!

September 2024 intake:

March 14th until April 3rd, 2024 (last batch!)

To apply, visit https://admissions.apu.ac.jp and follow the application process

Take the first step towards an exceptional educational journey at APU! Your path to shape your world and the world around you starts at APU. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus in Japan!

Contact us:

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University - Indonesia Information Center

C/O MARQUEE, Mayapada Tower 1, 11th Floor

Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

Phone: +6221 5289 7328 / 7392

Email: apu-ina@apu.ac.jp

Instagram: @apuina_office
