University Life Preparation : Your Path to Higher Education Starts Here
Thank you for considering Saint John's Catholic School as your partner in preparing for higher education.
We understand the significance of this pivotal stage in your child's life and appreciate your trust in our institution. This section of our website is dedicated to providing you with essential information and resources to navigate the complexities of the university application and selection process.
Stay informed about the latest updates on enrollment, scholarships, and campus events through our comprehensive higher education event calendar. Additionally, explore detailed e-brochures from a wide range of universities to assist in your decision-making.
Should you require personalized guidance, our experienced career guidance and counseling team at BSD City Kencana Loka, Gading Serpong, and Meruya is available to offer support and expertise. Consult our counselors below:
SMA SJ BSD Kencana Loka
- Ms. Melisa Salim -
- Ms Gusti Ayu Made Maylita-
SMA SJ Gading Serpong
- Sr Sabina -
- Mr. Aloysius Arianto (Rinto) -
SMA SJ Meruya
- Ms Susan
- Sr Rosa -
Parents and Students may contact them and/or make appointments through Email or Google Chat during Working Days.
We are committed to empowering both students and parents with the knowledge and tools necessary for a successful transition to university life.
Alvina Gunardi, S.E, M.M. Curriculum Planning and Development Staff Saint John's Catholic School
You are invited to the Open House of IFI at Serpong!
Bonjour ! Kami dengan senang hati mengundang Anda ke Open House IFI Serpong yang akan diselenggarakan pada 14 September 2024!
Nikmati workshop dan kelas demo bahasa Prancis gratis, lomba, pertunjukan, dan kesempatan memenangkan doorprize menarik!
Nikmati berbagai promo spesial dan kejutan menarik hanya di acara ini!
Lokasi: IFI Serpong
Waktu: 08.00 - 16.00 WIB
Segera daftar dan ajak seluruh kerabat, teman, dan keluarga, karena untuk datang di Open House ini GRATIS! Klik link berikut untuk registrasi:
Sampai jumpa di IFI Serpong!
hi Sobat BINUS,
Ada yang baru nih dari BINUS Alam Sutera, akan ada kelas onsite di MALL Alam Sutera lho! Kapan lagi selesai kelas lanjut nongkrong di mall?
Yuk jangan sampai ketinggalan Grand Opening BINUS Alam Sutera Campus 2!
Hari : Sabtu, 14 September - Minggu, 15 September 2024
Pkl : 10.00 s/d Selesai
Onsite Atrium Mall Alam Sutera
Dapatkan BEASISWA sampai dengan 100%!
Ajak teman-teman kamu dan jangan sampai ketinggalan sesi konsultasi bersama program BINUS UNIVERSITY!
catat tanggalnya yaa! See you there
1. University Access Centre - Jakarta
Puri Indah Financial Tower GF Unit 07
Jalan Puri Lingkar Dalam, RT.1/RW.2, Kembangan Sel., Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11610
2. Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
Jalan Scientia Boulevard Gading, Curug Sangereng, Serpong, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Selamat pagi Bapak/Ibu Guru dan teman2
Salam sehat dan semangat dari UNPAR Bandung
Bersamaan dengan pesan ini kami umumkan bahwa TELAH DIBUKA Jalur Mitra Tahun Ajaran 2025/2026 dengan kesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa hingga 100% Biaya Awal*
*S&K berlaku
Tunjukkan nilai rapor-mu dan raih kesempatan menjadi UNPARIAN lebih awal
Catat ya setiap tanggalnya!
Terlampir juga syarat ketentuan dan skema nilainya.
Yuk, segera daftarkan diri melalui
Jelajahi juga kampus UNPAR dalam tur virtual 360° di:
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
Contact Center PMB
WA Chat : 0815 7010 000
Email :
IG : @unparofficial
Telp : 022 2042004
Hai teman-teman!
Salam sehat dan semangat dari UNPAR Bandung
Bersamaan dengan pesan ini kami umumkan bahwa TELAH DIBUKA Jalur PMB Tahun Ajaran 2025/2026 dengan kesempatan mendapatkan beasiswa Biaya Awal*
*S&K berlaku
Berikut Jalur PMB yang dibuka hingga 30 SEPTEMBER 2024:
Jalur Rapor (Jalur Tanpa Tes, melihat Nilai Rapor kelas X-XI)
Jalur Prestasi (Jalur Tanpa Tes, melihat Prestasi Akademik & Non-Akademik)
Yuk, jangan sampai kehilangan kesempatan menjadi UNPARIAN
Catat ya setiap tanggalnya! Dan segera daftarkan diri melalui
Jelajahi juga kampus UNPAR dalam tur virtual 360° di:
Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
Contact Center PMB
WA Chat : 0815 7010 000
Email :
IG : @unparofficial
Telp : 022 2042004
Open Day Universitas Pembangunan Jaya!
Tidak sabar untuk bergabung dengan kami di Open Day Universitas Pembangunan Jaya? Simak detailnya di sini!
Tanggal: 21 September 2024
Waktu: 09.00 - 11.00
Tempat: Ruang Theater 1, Lantai 4 Gedung A
Acara ini menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi Anda dan pelajari lebih lanjut tentang apa yang kami tawarkan di UPJ!
Kegiatan akan Diisi dengan:
- Talkshow
- Konsultasi
- Beasiswa
- Tur Kampus
- Tes Minat Bakat*
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan Universitas Pembangunan Jaya! Segera daftarkan diri Anda dan dapatkan penawaran spesial.
Link Registrasi: []
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi Instagram kami di @upj_bintaro
Ajak teman-teman dan orang tua Anda! Mari bergabung dan mulailah perjalanan pendidikan Anda menuju kesuksesan di UPJ!
*SK berlaku
Gelombang Pendaftaran "Early Bird" Universitas Bunda Mulia
Periode pendaftaran : 1 September 2024 - 31 Oktober 2024
Benefit :
*FREE Uang Pangkal
Pot 10-100% biaya semester s/d 8 semester (hasil test)
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp 50.000,00
Tersedia jalur pendaftaran /Sibling/ dan /Jalur Prestasi/ dengan syarat ketentuan berlaku. Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan bisa langsung menghubungi CP yang tersedia.
Contact Person : Rachel : 081381782260
YTH Peminat Studienkolleg Indonesia.
Berikut ini kami sampaikan informasi mengenai Studienkolleg Indonesia
1. Ujian Masuk Studienkolleg Indonesia dilaksanakan dua kali dalam 1 tahun :
Wintersemester : Agustus
Sommersemester : Maret
2. Pendaftaran Studienkolleg Indonesia dilakukan secara online melalui website kami :
3. Persyaratan Studienkolleg Indonesia :
* Ijazah Sekolah SMA dengan nilai rata-rata minimal 85
Catatan: jika nilai rata-rata ujian sekolah kurang dari 8.5,maka wajib melampirkan hasil ujian UTBK-SNBP dengan hasil rata-rata mininal 500.
* Raport kelas 12 ( semester ganjil dan genap )
* Memiliki kemampuan bahasa jerman minimal level B1.
4. Biaya untuk saat ini :
* Uang pendaftaran : Rp 2.000.000
* Uang per Semester : Rp 35.000.000 + 1100 Euro
* Uang Ujian Akhir : 250 Euro
5. Studienkolleg Indonesia berlangsung selama 2 semester ( 11 bulan )
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi : 0812-38800657
Several compelling reasons to take the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) and HSKK (Hanyu Shuiping Kouyu Kaoshi) exams:
- Validation of Skills: The HSK and HSKK exams are widely recognized international standards for assessing Mandarin language proficiency. Passing these exams validates your abilities in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Mandarin.
- Career and Study Opportunities: Passing the HSK and HSKK exams can open doors to better career prospects in international companies with ties to China, as well as facilitate enrollment in Chinese universities.
- Enhancement of Language Competence: Preparation for and participation in the HSK and HSKK exams can significantly improve your Mandarin language skills. This learning process enriches your vocabulary, grammar, and communication abilities.
- Personal Growth: Facing the challenges of the HSK and HSKK exams is an excellent way to measure your progress in learning Mandarin and motivate yourself to continue learning and growing.
- International Recognition: Passing the HSK and HSKK exams provides international recognition of your Mandarin language proficiency, boosting confidence and adding value to your resume or CV.
In summary, taking the HSK and HSKK exams is a valuable step for anyone looking to enhance their Mandarin language skills, unlock career and study opportunities, and gain international recognition in the field of Chinese language.
Special for Saint John Final Year Students!
Are you aiming for a globally recognized degree from prestigious universities in Germany, Switzerland, or the USA? Swiss German University (SGU) can be your bridge to achieving that dream.
Partnering with top universities abroad, SGU offers you a world-class education that equips you for success in your chosen field.
As a Final Year student of Saint John School, you are entitled to an exclusive privilege: SGU scholarships up to 50% for semesters 1 through 8. It's time to receive quality education as recognition of your achievements!
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your future. Visit our website: or contact us at 0811-8010-600 to explore partner universities and scholarship details. Apply now to SGU and launch your journey to new heights!
Studi Program Business Accounting Swiss German University hadir dengan konsep baru dan memberikan berbagai benefit menarik!
Dengan biaya terjangkau 16 juta per semester kamu sudah mendapatkan banyak keuntungan antara lain waktu kuliah hanya 3.5 tahun, kurikulum MBKM, sertifikasi Brevet dan praktisi pengajar yang berpengalaman.
Ayo wujudkan mimpimu menjadi Future Accountant. Langkah pertamanya yaitu daftar di Business Accounting SGU sekarang!
Kompetisi Desain Eco-Bag untuk Siswa SMA/SMK Sederajat!
Kompetisi ini bisa jadi kesempatan buat kalian berkreasi sambil berkontribusi untuk kelestarian alam!
Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP) bekerja sama dengan Lawson, mengajak kalian untuk merancang desain Eco-Bag yang tidak hanya menarik, tetapi juga ramah lingkungan!
Dengan tema Cheers to Nature, desain yang kalian buat bisa mengekspresikan cinta pada alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Desainnya boleh berupa elemen grafis, maupun kata-kata kreasimu loh! Yuk, tunjukkan ide-ide terbaikmu dalam mendesain Eco-Bag yang menginspirasi!
Hadiah yang bisa kalian dapatkan:
* Beasiswa senilai 200 juta rupiah
* Hadiah tunai 10 juta rupiah
* Selain itu, desain pemenang berkesempatan untuk dipakai untuk Tas Belanja Lawson loh!
Jadi, jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini dan langsung daftar pada link di bawah ini!
Informasi lebih lanjut bisa hubungi:
Kalika - 085819898658
Najwa - 089630461900
#cheerstonature #mnpfest2024 #mnpfest #lesswastelawson
@mnp.fest2024 @multimedianusantarapolytechnic @lawsonconnect
Bikin Animasi 2D dan Karakter 3D bersama, yuk!
Workshop Holiday Art Project 2 kembali dibuka nih untuk mengisi waktu liburan sekolah Kita akan sama-sama belajar desain 2D dan 3D selama 5 hari, offline di Kampus Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP). Terbuka untuk siswa SMA/SMK/Umum dan dapatkan e-certificate workshop, makan siang, dan hadiah menarik untuk karya peserta terbaik!
Catat waktunya, ya!
Tanggal : 5 Hari (1-5 Juli 2024)
Lokasi : Multimedia Nusantara Polytechnic (MNP)
Waktu : [2D] 09.00-12.00 WIB
[3D] 13.00-16.00 WIB
Early Bird Price
Rp 1.000.000/kelas/orang
(tersedia harga spesial paket grup)
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi:
Andrea: +62 878-6468-7845
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) is Japan's leading international university, where students can earn a degree program taught in English. Located in Beppu City, home to over 2,500 hot springs, APU has welcomed international students from 166 countries and regions worldwide since its opening in 2000.
APU offers a unique and enriching educational experience for students seeking a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding. Its commitment to diversity, quality education, and international engagement sets it apart as a leading institution in Japan.
Dual Education Language:
About 98% of all APU courses are in English and Japanese. Students have the option of pursuing their areas of study in either language. To ensure students attain such language ability, the university provides comprehensive language programs as well as a diverse range of off-campus study options.
Multicultural campus:
About 50% of the student body comprises international students. Students from 106 countries and regions (as of May 1, 2023) gather to study this uniquely international environment in Japan. Moreover, one in two faculty members is of foreign nationality, and the official languages of the campus are English and Japanese.
Our Programs:
Study in Three Distinctive Colleges: International Management, Asia Pacific Studies, and Sustainable and Tourism.
Learn from Each Other on the World Stage:
Lectures that Emphasize Discussion and Practice. Under the guidance of the finest professors with specialized knowledge, Students can cultivate presentation skills, critical thinking, and negotiation skills that can compete on an international level alongside friends who are active on the world stage. APU encourages students to conduct research in field studies both in Japan and abroad through frequent discussions with faculty and classmates, so that they may acquire problem-solving skills that can be used in the real world.
Scholarships at APU:
Before getting into the university, APU offers Tuition Reduction Scholarships in percentages of 30%, 50%, 65%, 80%, and 100%, and, also offers a temporary Dormitory Fee Reduction Scholarship. After getting into APU, students can find information and apply for additional scholarships, including scholarships offered by the University, refectural and municipal organizations, and private foundations.
Student Life:
Over 100 Extracurricular Organizations. Many of these organizations have both domestic and international students as members, allowing students with diverse backgrounds to interact closely not only in their classes but also through extracurricular activities. In terms of accommodation, first-year international students can live in AP House, APU’s on-campus housing, where approximately 1500 students from all over the world live together and can understand different cultures every day.
Path after Graduation:
Over 95% Job Placement Success Rate. Internationally competent APU graduates strive to change the world in their respective fields, including domestic and foreign companies and NPO/NGO organizations.
Are you interested in joining the September 2024 intake at Ritsumeikan APU? We are now accepting applications. Kindly refer to the details below and don’t forget to mark your calendars!
September 2024 intake:
March 14th until April 3rd, 2024 (last batch!)
To apply, visit and follow the application process
Take the first step towards an exceptional educational journey at APU! Your path to shape your world and the world around you starts at APU. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus in Japan!
Contact us:
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University - Indonesia Information Center
C/O MARQUEE, Mayapada Tower 1, 11th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 28, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
Phone: +6221 5289 7328 / 7392
Instagram: @apuina_office
INTO Indonesia Podcast:
INTO University - LinkedIn page: