SHS 3X3 basketball team-01
Christabelle Carmen Hamadi-01
Maria Mikaela Caroline Kok-01
Breavenlee de Benasi-01 (1)
Andrew Warren Krevinson-01
Jocelyn Annabelle Wijaya-01
Reagan Huang William Rhapsodie-01
Akira Budiarta-01
3X3 basketball team-01
Aimee Sidharta-01
Kejurda Kyorugi Taekwondo Championship 2024-01
Basket Team JHS 3IN1 CUP-01
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About Us

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Along with our motto of Scientia, Virtus et Vita, each of our campuses displays our shared belief in the key values of Respect, Responsibility, Resiliency, Integrity, Generosity, Harmony and Truth as the foundations on which “SaintJohners” balance their self-development, both academically and in their personal growth.

Operating a blend between the Indonesian curriculum and the UK curriculum gives SJCS students the possibility to take international exams. This serves not only to ensure students graduate with qualifications that are universally accepted, but also to ready our students to enter the global world.

At Saint John’s Catholic Schools, we have always made language learning a priority. From Kindergarten onwards, students are exposed to Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Mandarin. Beginning in Junior High School, students are given the option to choose between Mandarin or German as their third intra-curricular language lesson. In partnering with the German educational experts at the Goethe Institute and PASCH, we are able to offer our students a variety of activities to expand their understanding of German language and culture as well as future access to study possibilities and scholarships in Germany.

Saint John’s Catholic School consistently encourages its students to explore their talents and passions, empowering their minds and hearts for the AI-driven future. In this age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), students are equipped with the skills to harness knowledge for the greater good. Nurturing these qualities for an AI-driven future implies that the upcoming generation must cultivate not only their abilities but also their capacity for empathy and emotional resilience – essential attributes for effectively navigating the swiftly evolving landscape of our times. 

What's New

A Celebration of Love and Optimism

Saint John’s Schools marked the feast of Saint John the Apostle on 12th January 2024, coinciding with the seventeenth anniversary of its dedicated journey in providing quality education for our youngsters. This celebration also served as a moment to express gratitude for the unwavering loyalty of teachers and staff to ...

What is Osmosis

Dear SaintJohners, The academic year 2022 - 2023 has reached one semester this December and has given lots of experiences for every school member. Starting the first term with an integrated project and followed by the final test in term two make the learning journey full of colours. ‘Learn for ...

Mengobarkan Semangat Sumpah Pemuda

Semangat Sumpah Pemuda adalah semangat persatuan dan kesatuan yang sepatutnya terus dijaga dan dipelihara kobaran semangatnya. Saint John’s Catholic School senantiasa mengajak murid-murid Saint John’s untuk mengenali keberagaman budaya bangsa dan terus mengobarkan semangat persatuan itu. Perayaan Sumpah Pemuda kali ini secara resmi diisi dengan Upacara Bendera pada tanggal 28 ...

Teach Them Communication, Not War

Education in this era of globalization should be the seed of building a better communication between nations. Youngsters these days will be the leader of tomorrow. Obama’s teachers would not even dream that one day Obama would be the President of the United States. His upbringing as a boy who ...

See what others are saying

This is the best school with great teacher. If you are looking for the best teaching, this is it! "Health science in dermal therapy – Victoria University, Australia"
Yesica Hochia
Alumni of Saint John 2015
Thanks for creating this good learning. My life is so much easier. Thanks for making such a great school. "Business Administration – Monash University, Australia"
Gervasius Reyvaldi Alumni of Saint John 2015
Packed with awesome subject and exactly what I was looking for. I would highly recommend this to anyone. "Work as Flight Instructor at Eagle Flight Training, Gisborne, New Zealand."
Naomi Aldisa Alumni of Saint John 2015