The longing for SYNC seemed to be a little relieved by the Year-End Eve “A Night to Remember” presence. Apart from the band performances from the students, the Band “Perantaranya” also took part in the event.
Since noon, the atmosphere had been lively with the presence of students who dressed in the non-uniform outfit. Each tried to present themselves. There was a machine mimicking the bull rodeo game from Spain. There was also a Photo Booth which seemed to be the favourite choice for students to make group photos. Off course, the event became merrier with the stalls of food and drink that participated in the event until late at night. There was also a food stall from a group of alumni!
Not only high school students attended the event, but also junior high school students, parents and alumni who happened to be around in Serpong. All were present to enjoy togetherness in that evening event, which will always be in good memories. This festive event was closed with fireworks, a sign showing the relief of the students who had completed their first semester well. Hopefully, next year will be even better!
"A Night to Remember"
Kerinduan akan SYNC seakan sedikit terobati dengan kehadiran Malam Akhir Tahun “A Night to Remember”. Selain penampilan band dari murid-murid, ada juga Band Perantaranya yang ikut mengisi acara.
Sejak siang, suasana sudah meriah dengan kehadiran murid-murid yang berpakaian bebas. Masing-masing mencoba menampilkan diri mereka. Ada permainan bak rodeo banteng di Spanyol, ada Photo Booth yang menjadi favorit untuk foto bareng. Tidak ketinggalan tenda-tenda makanan dan minuman yang ikut berpartisipasi mengisi acara sore hingga malam itu. Ada juga tenda makanan dari alumni lho!
Bukan hanya siswa SMA yang hadir, melainkan juga siswa SMP, orang tua dan alumni yang sedang berada di Serpong. Semua hadir menikmati kebersamaan di dalam acara malam yang pastinya akan selalu dalam kenangan. Acara meriah ini ditutup dengan kembang api, penanda kelegaan para siswa yang sudah menyelesaikan semester pertama mereka dengan baik. Semoga tahun depan lebih baik lagi!