Saint John’s Catholic School is always prioritizing the importance of safety. Recently, there were earthquakes in several places in the world and in our archipelago. The most recent one was in Bayah, Banten, was felt in Saint John’s School. To help our little students understand how important to keep calm and work together in orderly for the safety of all the students, teachers and staff during a natural disaster, Primary unit conducted an earthquake drill on Thursday, February 9th, 2023 at 7:40 AM.
Saint John’s Primary School students received explanations and simulations on how they should react and act during an earthquake. They were taught how to evacuate from their classrooms and to walk down from their classroom to the meeting point in an orderly manner. The meeting point for Primary students is the parking lot in front of the Primary building.
This earthquake drill was vital for the students, teachers, and staff of Saint John Catholic School as it helped them preparing the reaction in an emergency situation. The drill aimed to increase the awareness and preparedness of the staff, the teachers, and students to act quickly and appropriately during emergency situations. Additionally, the drill was designed to test the school's emergency response procedures and to identify areas for improvement. The results of the drill are satisfactory as all students and staff of the school building reached the parking lot ground in under less than five minutes. The response time is notably fast for a building evacuation.
The earthquake drill at Saint John Catholic Primary School served as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for natural disasters. It provided a valuable opportunity for students, teachers, and staff to practice their emergency response procedures and to learn how to remain calm and protect themselves during an earthquake.
Latihan Gempa bumi
Saint John’s Catholic School selalu mengutamakan keselamatan murid-murid. Belum lama ini terjadi beberapa kali gempa bumi, baik di berbagai tempat di dunia, maupun di negara kepulauan kita ini. Gempa terbaru terjadi di Bayah, Banten, terasa hingga ke sekolah Saint John. Untuk membantu murid-murid kecil Saint John memahami betapa pentingnya menjaga agar tetap tenang dan bekerja sama dengan tertib antara staff, guru dan murid dalam menghadapi bencana alam, maka unit Sekolah Dasar membuat pelatihan bencana gempa bumi pada hari Kamis, 9 Februari 2023 pada pukul 07:40 WIB.
Murid-murid SD Saint John dijelaskan mengenai bagaimana mereka harus bereaksi dan bertindak ketika terjadi gempa bumi. Dalam simulasi mereka diajari cara untuk keluar dari kelas mereka masing-masing, melalui tangga turun ke tempat pertemuan di luar gedung sekolah.Titik kumpul untuk SD ada di lapangan parkir di depan lobby SD.
Latihan mitigasi bencana gempa bumi ini sangat penting bagi murid, guru dan karyawan Saint John’s Catholic School karena akan membantu mereka mempersiapkan diri menghadapi bencana. Latihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kesiagaan dan kesigapan karyawan, guru dan murid dalam menghadapi darurat bencana. Latihan ini juga berguna untuk menguji kesiapan Saint John dalam menghadapi darurat bencana dan mengetahui hal-hal yang perlu ditingkatkan. Hasil latihan kemarin cukup memuaskan karena semua guru dan murid berhasil berkumpul di titik kumpul dalam waktu kurang dari lima menit. Hal ini cukup cepat untuk ukuran evakuasi satu gedung.
Latihan mitigasi gempa bumi di Saint John’s Catholic School bertujuan mengingatkan pentingnya kesiapan menghadapi bencana alam. Latihan ini memberikan kesempatan berharga bagi murid-murid, guru dan karyawan untuk praktek pelaksanaan prosedur tanggap darurat, serta belajar untuk bersikap tenang dan melindungi diri mereka sendiri ketika gempa terjadi.