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Along with our motto of Scientia, Virtus et Vita, each of our campuses displays our shared belief in the key values of Respect, Responsibility, Resiliency, Integrity, Generosity, Harmony and Truth as the foundations on which “SaintJohners” balance their self-development, both academically and in their personal growth.


Operating a blend between the Indonesian curriculum and the UK curriculum gives SJCS students the possibility to take international exams. This serves not only to ensure students graduate with qualifications that are universally accepted, but also to ready our students to enter the global world.


At Saint John’s Catholic Schools, we have always made language learning a priority. From Kindergarten onwards, students are exposed to Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Mandarin. Beginning in Junior High School, students are given the option to choose between Mandarin or German as their third intra-curricular language lesson. In partnering with the German educational experts at the Goethe Institute and PASCH, we are able to offer our students a variety of activities to expand their understanding of German language and culture as well as future access to study possibilities and scholarships in Germany.

Ladislaus Naisaban
Director of Education

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