Saint John’s curriculum officer, Ms. Alvina Gunardi, was honored to participate as a guest speaker, sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience on the discussion panel titled “Education for All: Accessibility, Inclusion & Equity”. This insightful event, organized by Edutech Indonesia, took place in Jakarta on the 2nd of August 2023.
In the presence of esteemed principals and educators representing various schools at the Edutech conference, Ms. Alvina offered invaluable insights drawn from Saint John’s journey during the pandemic. She eloquently recounted how our students seamlessly transitioned into the realm of online learning, even while scattered across geographical distances – an example being a student who continued her studying from Germany.
The challenges brought about by the pandemic propelled our dedicated teachers to elevate their technological acumen, embracing new tools and methodologies. Looking forward to the AI era, educators at Saint John’s are committed to equipping themselves with the requisite skills to effectively guide and facilitate their students’ learning journeys.
Teachers were pushed to improve their level of technology savvy. And facing the AI era, teachers will also provide themselves with needed skills to be able to coach or to facilitate the students that they teach.
The event underscored the importance of accessibility, inclusion, and equity in education, resonating with Saint John’s core values and vision for a holistic and future-ready learning experience.
Pendidikan untuk Semua di Era Digital
Alvina Gunardi, selaku staf kurikulum Saint John’s Catholic School mendapat
kehormatan membagikan pengetahuan dan pengalamannya sebagai pembicara dalam
diskusi panel berjudul “Education for All: Accessibility, Inclusion, and
Equity.” Acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Edutech Indonesia berlangsung di
Jakarta, pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2023.
hadapan para Kepala Sekolah dan pendidik dari berbagai sekolah yang menghadiri
Edutech Indonesia, Ms. Alvina membagikan pengalaman perjalanan Saint John’s
dalam masa pandemi. Ia juga mengyebutkan bagaimana siswa-siswi Saint John’s
mengikuti pembelajaran online bahkan ketika mereka berada di tempat yang jauh,
salah satunya adalah seorang murid yang harus belajar dari Jerman.
itu pendidik dihadapkan pada tuntutan untuk meningkatkan tingkat penguasaan
teknologi. Menghadapi era kecerdasan buatan (AI), pada pendidik juga perlu
meningkatkan ketrampilan diri mereka agar mampu membimbing dan memfasilitasi
Diskusi ini juga menegaskan pentingnya
aksesibilitas, inklusi dan kesetaraan dalam pendidikan, sejalan dengan
nilai-nilai inti Saint John’s dan visi untu pengalaman belajar yang holistik
dan siap menghadapi masa depan.