Our new ICON Campus is ninety percent ready to use. We are grateful that we are going to be able to move in the new campus on the new Academic Year. While schedules are still waiting for the Government policies and direction in facing the Covid 19 pandemic, Saint John’s Catholic School is able to make sure that the new campus is ready to serve our Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten students in the west part of BSD.
Located on the same street as the existing ICON Campus, the new campus on Jalan Boulevard Horizon Broadway Blok M5 no 20 will cater all the activities of young learner students who enrolled in our ICON campus.
With better facilities and more spacious rooms, we do hope that Saintjohners will enjoy their schooling period, and will be able to learn more.The Corona virus pandemic made the progress of the finishing a bit slower. Yet, with your prayers and support, we are certain that we are going to provide a nice and healthy environment on time. God bless!
Gedung Baru Saint John’s di ICON
Kampus baru di ICON telah 90% siap digunakan. Kami sangat bersyukur karena dapat segera dapat pindah ke kampus baru menjelang tahun ajaran baru ini nanti. Sambil menanti kebijakan dan arahan dari pemerintah sejalan dengan pandemi Covid 19 ini, Sekolah Katolik Saint John’s dapat memastikan bahwa kampus baru siap untuk melayani para siswa Nursery, Pre-K dan Kindergarten di area barat BSD, begitu izin masuk diberikan pihak berwenang.
Dengan fasilitas yang lebih baik dan ruang-ruang yang luas, diharapkan Saintjohners dapat menikmati masa sekolahnya, dan dapat belajar lebih baik lagi. Pandemi Virus Corona sedikit memperlambat kemajuan pembangunan ini. Tapi dengan doa dan dukungan anda, pasti kami akan menyediakan lingkungan yang menyenangkan dan sehat pada waktunya. Tuhan memberkati!